In 1882, the Labor Day Holiday was created by the Labor Movement to celebrate the contributions blue collar workers made to the strength, prosperity and well-being our country.
In my opinion, the day should be honoring any worker, union or non-union, who does a “good job” serving others while working toward the accomplishment of a worthy goal. It doesn’t matter whether you are swinging a hammer to build a house or balancing someone’s books. You are transforming your time and talent into a product or service that creates value for someone else.
For too many Americans, the first Monday in September has just come to mean an extra day off and recognition that the summer is ending and a new school year or football season is beginning.
This weekend, take a moment to reflect on the labor you have chosen to do and answer two simple questions. (The dictionary defines ‘labor’ as one who exerts one’s powers of body and mind to do work for which he or she is being paid; any human activity where one works hard to provide the goods and services in an economy; to strive toward a goal.)
1. What are at least three things you have done well at work this year?
Unfortunately, we have a tendency to focus more on what went wrong than what went well. Focusing on negative events creates anxiety and depression, and it brings out the worst in ourselves and others. We all need to develop the skill of accentuating the positive. This Labor Day Weekend is a great time to practice the habit of savoring memories of good things you’ve done this year.
2. What do you want to do better in the future?
Making the commitment to get a little better each day at your work is essential to reaching your potential and increasing the value you bring to the people you want to serve, regardless of the color of your collar.
Have a great Labor Day, and thank you for the contribution you’ve made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.
Let’s Get Better. Together! Bill Durkin