Finish Strong!
However, making procrastination a time management problem will not help us win in all areas of our life. A better way to overcome procrastin
Who Are You Thankful For?
This year I am building on the idea with another positive ritual that will improve your health and happiness over the holidays. Each Thursda
Are You Daring Greatly Today?
In April of 1910, Theodore Roosevelt gave a remarkable speech called, “Citizenship in a Republic” in Paris, France. Here is the essence...
Accentuate The Positive
While it’s important to learn from our defeats and find the root cause of our failure, I believe we should savor the root cause of our succe
Win The Day
No matter what good things leaders do at work or with their families, their focus tends to be on the email or phone call that didn’t get ret
What Relationship Are You Building Today?
Good relationships turn bad if you don’t consistently do something to make them better. I know you are busy and you have more to do than tim
Are You a Good Listener?
In addition, our good listening role models are becoming extinct. Every day we are being bombarded with people more interested in telling th
Are You Prepared to Win?
The beginning of October is not the time to ruminate about all the mistakes made or opportunities missed. Use this week to prepare a plan to
How Often Do You Smile?
A sincere smile is appreciated, whether it is seen face to face or felt coming through the phone. It is also great for business. Client...
What Have You Done Well This Year?
In my opinion, the day should be honoring any worker, union or non-union, who does a “good job” serving others while working toward the acco